Monthly Archives: July 2015

Common Questions about Venture Capital

Common QuestionsGetting a business started is no easy matter and it takes a lot of money, effort and time to succeed. There are many ways to secure funding depending on the type of business and its stage of growth. Venture capital funding is only one way a business can get funding, but it has some unique characteristics. Many people are unclear on what venture capital funding is and how it works. Here are some of the most common questions people ask about VC funding. Read the rest of this entry

The VC Market in Silicon Valley in 2015

VC Market in Silicon Valley in 2015Silicon Valley has long been the seat for venture capital funding and technological advancements. Over the last year funding appears to have dropped in some aspects and some VC firms have looked elsewhere for investment opportunities. But Silicon Valley is not out of the game by any means, it’s just changing the way it is played. Venture capitalists have plenty of opportunities for investing in startups in the region and trends indicate it is likely to get better rather than worse. Read the rest of this entry