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The VC Market in Australia

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Venture capital is relatively new even though equity financing for promising ventures that were fast growing has been around for a very long time. Merchant banks have been around since the Middle Ages and the investment bank made its appearance in the 30s. “Business angels” came onto the entrepreneurial playing field in the 20s when Broadway musicals would be funded by wealthy patrons who would provide the monies needed by producers to fund the new shows. But the VC industry has only been around as we know it since the 90s. Efraim Landa is an experienced venture capitalist who provides expertise and funding to encourage the growth of a business until it matures. Venture capitalists provide the monies to help a business grow until it can go public with its offering of stocks or sell out to a larger entity. VC is an essential part of the economy in most regions of the World. Read the rest of this entry