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Top Venture Capital Deals of 2015

Top Venture Capital Deals
As we close out 2021, the venture capital market has made some interesting strides. In the first half of this year, the VC market revolved around technology and health-care companies. Investments by venture capitalists like Efraim Landa topped right at $19.19 billion from just April to June. That is representative of a 24% increase over 2019 and is almost a perfect match of the fourth quarter back in 2010. That’s when investors contributed a total of $19.72 billion.

The total investments made during the first half of 2020 was $35.92 billion which tops the $35.71 billion that was spent investing in US based venture backed companies throughout the entire year of 2018. It also surpasses the total of all of 2019 which topped off at $57.02 billion.
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The VC Market in Silicon Valley in 2015

VC Market in Silicon Valley in 2015Silicon Valley has long been the seat for venture capital funding and technological advancements. Over the last year funding appears to have dropped in some aspects and some VC firms have looked elsewhere for investment opportunities. But Silicon Valley is not out of the game by any means, it’s just changing the way it is played. Venture capitalists have plenty of opportunities for investing in startups in the region and trends indicate it is likely to get better rather than worse. Read the rest of this entry

The VC Market in Silicon Valley

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When you live and work in Silicon Valley, it’s easy to get caught up in trends billowing from within the echo chamber. Around Silicon Valley, the availability of capital resources helps trends popularize and commercialize faster than anywhere else in the world. From the outside, it seems today’s latest trend is tomorrow’s IPO practically overnight (discounting, conveniently, the 10+ years of persistence required of entrepreneurs along the way).

When it comes to VC-backed exits, Silicon Valley is far ahead of other markets.  Efraim Landa is one of America’s premier venture capitalists and agrees with this statistic.   Silicon Valley is the 800 lb. beast when it comes to exit activity, taking 52% of the largest exits since 2012.  Trailing behind the Valley are New York, Massachusetts, Southern Cal, and Illinois, which collectively account for 28% of the Top 50 exits since 2012. Read the rest of this entry